NX9 Product Template Studio JAVA Setup
Starting with NX 8.5, JAVA Runtime Environment (JRE) for running applications
built with Java is no longer included in the OOTB install.
These applications include:
— NX Relations Browser
— Product Template Studio
— Command line version of CATIA V4 translator
— Command line version of CATIA V5 translator
— Command line version of Dxfdwg translator
— Command line version of IGES translator
— Command line version of NX Pro E translator
— Command line version of Step AP203 translator
— Command line version of Step AP214 translator
— Knowledge Fusion ICE
— Quality Dashboard
— Validation Rule Editor
— Batch Mesher
— Customer written NX/Open Java programs
If JAVA is not installed and/or UGII_JAVA_HOME is not defined correctly, then a
generic error will be thrown:
ERROR: “failed to initialize NX session”
The Solution (Dated 12 May 2014):
1. Go to http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/index.html
2. Select JDK Download

3. Check to Accept License Agreement and select the OS of your machine.

The Download should proceed automatically.
4. Proceed to install the JDK application.
5. After install JDK, set environment variable UGII_JAVA_HOME to point to the new JAVA Folder. For example: C:\Program Files\Java\jre8

After setup JAVA, product template studio should be able to start.
Kind regards,
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